Western North Carolina BBQ

If you grew up in Western North Carolina, you like a little tomato in your sauce. Read on for more tips on Western North Carolina style barbeque.


Cooking Tips
Western North Carolina BBQ is smoked over indirect heat for about 10-12 hours (for a large, 15-20 pound pork shoulder) at 225-300 degrees. The wood of choice is peach, hickory or other easy-to-find local varieties. Traditional pits are built with cinder block with the fire under a rack, placed close enough to capture the heat without direct contact. Some pitmasters place cardboard above the meat to keep the ashes off the meat.
One the meat has set they mop it with a straight vinegar or vinegar and spice blend to keep the pork moist. They serve the tomato based sauce on the side as a finishing sauce, as opposed to basting the meat with it. Like their eastern neighbors, these barbeque lovers do a rough chop on the meat before serving it on a sandwich or BBQ plate.


Known for the simplicity of the cooking techniques and the addition of tomato to their sauce.