corn on the cob, 4 each
butter (salted), 40 grams
cotija cheese, 30 grams
cilantro, 4 grams
Lillie’s Q Ivory Barbeque Sauce, 45 grams
Lillie’s Q Hot Chicken Seasoning, 3 grams

Start by peeling the husks off the corn.
Trim the bottom of each cob to create a flat end. This will stabilize the corn for easier handling.
Carefully stand each cob on the flat end and cut it in half.
Take each half and cut it again to produce quarters of the cob.
Prepare a foil packet and place a few knobs of butter inside. Set the packet on the grill to melt the butter, then move it to the side.
Place the corn quarters on the hot grill with the kernels facing the flames. Grill the corn until some kernels have charred and turned black.
Add the charred corn quarters into the foil packet with the melted butter. Seal the packet, give it a gentle shake to coat the corn, and return it to the grill to finish cooking.
Once the corn is fully cooked, open the packet and ensure all pieces are well coated with the butter. Then sprinkle generously with cotija cheese.
Transfer the coated corn slices to a serving plate.
Sprinkle the corn with Lillie’s Q Hot Chicken Seasoning. Fill a squeeze bottle with Lillie’s Q Ivory Barbeque Sauce and drizzle it over the plated corn, making sure each piece is nicely coated.
Garnish with freshly chopped cilantro and serve while warm.